I’ve been intending for quite some time to write a series of articles on my experiences so far with Grails based web applications. So I’m tackling this now whilst my experiences are still relatively fresh before my focus takes another direction.
I don’t want to go into the why’s of using grails when there are already many other frameworks out there but for me, I love Java for its power, vast number of libraries and community support available. I also love Ruby On Rails, for its convention over configuration benefits so when I discovered Grails is a kind of merge of the two, it quickly gained my interest. There are many cool features to Grails but to pinpoint a couple, not having to go through all the initial setting up of Spring, Hibernate, JPA etc is a real time saver, and how it allows you to use it’s own Groovy code alongside pure Java is something in my opinion both very clever and incredible beneficial to us web developers.
My target for these tutorials are not just for beginners to Grails but for anyone looking for quick how-to instructions to use Grails with various Ajax features such as displaying data in a jQuery grid, ajax filtering of data.
I do make the assumption however that you already know the basics of a grails based application and can already create, modify and deploy projects. I also don’t want to insist on any particular IDE for working on these tutorials, although I will be using IntelliJ’s IDEA IDE, Netbeans also has great Grails support but at the time of writing does not offer gsp tag completion. I cannot offer any other comment on the others as I am not familiar with Grails support in the other main contenders.
I also cannot recommend enough the combination of using Firefox as your browser with the Firebug plugin installed so you can keep an eye of your AJAX calls from your page to server. Firebug is a great tool that allows you to easily see what you are sending and what you are receiving.
Anyway enough introduction, let’s move onto the first tutorial of my series.
Grails, JQuery and the Jquery Grid.
In this tutorial I aim to show you how to use the jQuery Grid to present data to your users.
I am using Grails version 1.2 alongside MySQL database.
I will setup a mock up of a customer database for this example, so first you will need to create a new Grails project and setup your datasource details so you are all setup ready to go.
The first step after you’ve created your project and defined your datasource is to create a new Grails Domain class called Customer. I’ve kept it simple, but with enough fields for us to create and display several columns in a grid.
class Customer { static constraints = { firstName(blank:false,maxSize:50) lastName(blank:false,maxSize:50) age(nullable:true) emailAddress(nullable:true) } String firstName String lastName Integer age String emailAddress }
Once your class is defined, you should go ahead and generate the customer controller and corresponding views.
Now would be a good time to add some test data so we have something we can use to manipulate our views. A handy shortcut to create test data here is to edit the bootstrap groovy file so we can create some data at the time our application is launched. This is a technique I often use to preload testdata.
class BootStrap { def init = { servletContext -> // if we have an empty customer database, // create some test data if (Customer.count() == 0) { new Customer( firstName:'John', lastName:'Smith', age:27, emailAddress:'john@somewhere.com' ).save() new Customer( firstName:'Frank', lastName:'Malone', age:37, emailAddress:'frank@somewhere.com' ).save() new Customer( firstName:'Dave', lastName:'Brown', age:34, emailAddress:'dave@somewhere.com' ).save() new Customer( firstName:'Barney', lastName:'Rubble', age:44, emailAddress:'barney@somewhere.com' ).save() } } def destroy = { } }
I will also change the urlmappings so when we launch the application our default page is the customer index view :
class UrlMappings { static mappings = { "/$controller/$action?/$id?"{ constraints { // apply constraints here } } "/"(controller:"customer",action:"index") "500"(view:'/error') } }
So try running the application now and you should see the default presented list on the customer page. So far so good.
Before we create the necessary adjustments to use a jQuery grid, you will first need to download the required javascript librarys as well css styles for your grid from the following links:
jQuery latest release
jQuery Grid latest release – contains the necessary javascript and css (ui.grid.css). Copy the ui.grid.css to the web-app/css folder.
jQuery UI css themes : theme download – this is a great site that allows you to visual different UI themes for jquery widgets/plugins before downloading the necessary css/images.
I download the ‘min’ versions of the javascript librarys to cut down download time for the user. jquery.jqGrid.min.js and jquery-1.3.2.min.js both go into the web-app/js folder.
You theme will be downloaded as a zip file, you will need to copy the jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js script into your applications js folder and the contents of the css folder go into your web-app/css folder. For the purpose of this tutorial I downloaded the ui-lightness theme.
So now I want to switch from the default list view, to a jQuery Grid to present our customer data.
Edit your Customer/list.gsp, and perform the following.
1. Include our new javascript librarys by adding the includes into the head section. Our css style sheet should also be reference by also adding to the head section. Your head section should then contain the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css',file:'main.css')}" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css',file:'ui.jqgrid.css')}" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css/ui-lightness',file:'jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css')}" /> <g:javascript library="jquery-1.3.2.min"/> <g:javascript library="jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min"/> <g:javascript library="grid.locale-en"/> <g:javascript library="jquery.jqGrid.min"/>
2. Remove the tag and contents of
You have to create a table element to hold our grid, as well as div element to go at the end of the table to display record count, paginator.
Insert the following jquery Grid definition. This defines a very basic grid which will be rendered when the page loads in the browser. Notice the url parameter, url:’jq_customer_list’. This is the url from which the grid will load its data. I have also specified the format of the data will be JSON. These parameters lead us to our next stage, we need to create the necessary function in our Customer controller that will return the data.
<!-- table tag will hold our grid --> <table id="customer_list" class="scroll jqTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table> <!-- pager will hold our paginator --> <div id="customer_list_pager" class="scroll" style="text-align:center;"></div> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ /* when the page has finished loading.. execute the follow */ $(document).ready(function () { jQuery("#customer_list").jqGrid({ url:'jq_customer_list', datatype: "json", colNames:['First Name','Last Name','Age','Email Address','id'], colModel:[ {name:'firstName'}, {name:'lastName'}, {name:'age'}, {name:'email'}, {name:'id'} ], pager: jQuery('#customer_list_pager'), viewrecords: true, gridview: true }); }); // ]]></script>
4. Create the jq_customer_list action in the Customer controller to respond to the grids request for JSON data.
As we are returning JSON type data, you must add an import to the top of the controller : import grails.converters.JSON
Note that the order of the fields must match the order in which we defined the order in the colModel and colNames in the grid definition. The minimal code to return the data is as follows:
def jq_customer_list = { def customers = Customer.list() def jsonCells = customers.collect { [cell: [it.firstName, it.lastName, it.age, it.emailAddress], id: it.id] } def jsonData= [rows: jsonCells] render jsonData as JSON }
5. Try and run your application, if all succeeded you should be presented with your customer data in a nice looking grid.
The entire project for this tutorial can be downloaded here.
In my next tutorial I will take what we have done so far, and implement ajax pagination and table sorting when the user clicks on a column header.
Interested in learning more grails? Head over and join up at the grails forum
Hello, you know I followed your step by step tutorial. He shows me the grid super well with clients admitted, but after I get to list the word “Undefined” framed, plus I can not sort the titles.
I hope you can help me ..
Thank you.
1 | Francisco April 26th, 2010 at 6:39 pmHi Franscisco, So are you seeing the customer data in the grid, if so what event/stage are you seeing the ‘undefined’ text ? Perhaps if I see a screenshot I can see where you may be having an issue.
Also, try comparing your code with what I have also supplied in the downloadable sample.
And also note, I have moved all the tutorials from this series over to http://www.grailsforum.co.uk
2 | Bolo April 26th, 2010 at 7:09 pmAmazing!!. That’s what I’m looking for. I needed to change the default grails table with an ajax tabla an this example is great.
Thank you very much.
Regards, Iván.
3 | Iván September 30th, 2010 at 2:40 pmHi Dear,
I need sample struts2 code for this jquery grid example could u help me …
4 | Ranjith April 5th, 2011 at 10:26 am